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200 to 1000 words in length in MS Word format (not pdf) with the following items in the order shown:
1. Presentation Title
2. Full name of authors and presenters
3. Position or Rank of each author or presenter, followed by the Name of the academic institution, company or other place of work for each author or presenter, and the city, state/province, and country of each affiliation/company/work place
4. The e-
5. Body/text of the abstract
Email Your Abstract to: ?????
Abstracts will be reviewed by the conference scientific committee for quality and suitability to the conference themes.
All accepted abstracts will be posted here once the presentations program has been confirmed.
Program Overview and Key Due Dates
15 May -
1 June -
1 July -
Due Date for Receipt of Abstracts :
A conference Tourism Outlook Conference Proceedings (ISBN) is planned of abstracts and papers for the conference and a CD ROM will be distributed at the conference. All participants are welcome to submit papers for a conference proceedings. You must submit your full paper by ???? 2014 to the conference secretariate be included in these proceedings. The conference secretariat and scientific committee will make final decisions on which papers to accept. The Proceedings may be published in digital form (online).
For a full papers, please format the manuscript follow the guidelines on the Tourism Geographies -
Conference abstracts and papers will be submitted for indexing with Thompson Reuters ISI and Scopus SciVerse through the Tourism, Leisure and Global Change proceedigns publication.