GGR 241, Spring 2000
Professor Tom Paradis

NOTE:  This sheet is arranged by general topics rather than by class period.  Still, the questions here remain generally in the same order in which they were covered in class.

 For what reasons are North Africa and Africa south of the Sahara considered to be two distinct regions,
  despite their location on the same continent?
 What are the dominant language families of Africa?  Generally, where are they found on the continent?
 How does climate change as one moves from the equator toward the poles in either direction?
 What is “regional complimentarity,” and how did this apply to Western Africa prior to colonization?
 What was the source of Africa’s contemporary political borders?  What were they based on?
 What factors explain some of the internal conflicts occurring today in Africa?
 What was radically different about the political geography of Africa in 1955 compared with 1975?
 What is a culture hearth, and where were the primary culture hearths in Africa?
 About when did Europeans become involved with Africa, and in what ways were they involved,
  prior to the “scramble for Africa”?
 In what ways did the geography of Africa change as a result of the European slave trade?  Why?
 What was the Dutch influence on Africa, where was it, and why?

 What factors explain to some degree why Europeans suddenly colonized Africa in the late 1800s?
 What was the purpose of the Berlin Conference, and what implications did it have for African
 Why do many geographers view the Berlin Conference as a permanent liability for Africa?
 Be able to briefly explain the differences between the colonial policies of Britain, Belgium, and France.
 Know how France and Belgium left different geographical legacies in their respective colonies.
  In this respect, what did the cities of Paris and Dakar have in common?  Why?
 Generally, describe the pattern of the European Colonial Map in 1914 (your handout map).
  Where were the French, Germans, and British?
 In what ways, and for what reasons, was the independence of South Africa a local as well as global
  concern?  Provide some examples.
 For what reasons is South Africa globally important?
 Who were the Boers, and what factors contributed to the Anglo-Boer war of 1899?
 Explain the historical foundations and definition of Apartheid.
 What were Bantustans, and how did their purpose relate to Apartheid?  Do they exist today?
  Why or why not?
 Who is Nelson Mandela, and what changes in South Africa are attributed to his efforts?

 What are the five common labels for this region?  What geographic characteristics give credibility to each
  label? For what reasons does each label misrepresent the region?  Which one is probably the most
 Where did the term “Middle East” come from?  How does it relate to the Far East, Near East, and East?
 Where are the two primary culture hearths of the Middle East?  Why are they there?
 Be able to label the physical features, countries, and culture hearths on a map of the Middle East.
 How did the religion of Islam begin?  Where did it begin, and when?
 For what reasons was the diffusion of Islam beyond its core region successful?
  What was the dhimmi system?
 Definitions and/or significance of these terms/places: Islam, mosque, Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem, Koran,
  Hajj, Ramadan, Allah, Salah, Zakat.
 Know and understand the significance of the Five Pillars of Islam.
 What is the fundamental difference between Shi’ite and Sunni Muslims?
 VIDEO: Jerusalem.  Review your handout questions and notes.
 VIDEO: Islamic Conversations: Women and Islam.  Review your handout questions and notes.
 VIDEO: The Secret Mecca: Islam. Review your handout questions and notes.

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